Tuesday, April 29, 2008


hello peoples - sorry this poem-ish thing is so late being posted, but i would really appreciate feedback - it seems like it should be the beginning, or ending, of something i have not yet written.

"Scrambled Eggs and Dotted Swiss"

In the kitchen
Scrambling eggs
With anxious hands and
Hair falling from a rag of dotted swiss,
She looks up with broken eyes - 
He cannot meet them,
Cannot meet her
So appallingly vulnerable - 
He flees from the eggs shells and salt shakers
 - From the eyes and dotted swiss.


Nathan Shank said...

Katie: I like it. But I want to know more. Where is this conflict coming from? This almost seems like a kind of climax scene. I feel like I need some more of it to grasp.

Great images, btw.

Joanna Benskin said...

I like the repeated images. This feels like a piece of that Elizabeth Bishop sestina with the stove and the almanac.

I like "so appallingly vulnerable," but that section is in danger of being too abstractly emo.

Yeah, I agree with Nathan that there might be more here that needs to be said. I'd try some free writing and see if anything useful surfaces.
